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Letter to the Editor: Clarifying Lansford sidewalk issue

The Times News ran an article relating to the last meeting of Lansford Borough Council (Oct. 13, 2023.) As I was named in the article, I would like to clarify the matter. In discussion pertaining to the lack of sidewalks at the south side of the Panther Valley stadium, Ms. Collevechio and President Markovich gleefully waved a sheet of paper stating my signature was on it. They purported that I was responsible for the sidewalk issue. As I was not privy to what was contained in the letter, I stated I was only one member of council. This was reported in the TN article.

I immediately did a RTK for copies of those letters. The first letter, addressed to Robert Yurchak, Esquire, dated Sept. 13, 2012 contained information denying the waiver of ordinance #2003-08. The second letter dated Jan. 14, 2013 addressed to Engineer stated that as of Dec. 19, 2012, the council waived the requirements of no. 2003-08. This gave the school district the permission to pave the lot to the street (no mention of sidewalks.) Both of these letters were typed by the borough secretary and signed by the President of Council, Rose Mary Cannon. ME! These letters with my signature, in no responsible way, can be construed to indicate that I was responsible for action regarding the sidewalks. In my capacity as president I signed letters which were then sent with information decided at a council meeting. Part of my responsibility. Still only one vote.

For elected officials to use their position to engage in actions to embarrass, discredit and one, e.g., members of the public, police officers, former officers, and other council members, is a disgrace.

Rose Mary Cannon
