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Sign-ups next week for toys, angel tree

The Salvation Army Tamaqua Service Center will be holding in person Angel Tree and Toys for Tots sign ups on Oct. 18 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and Oct. 19 from 5 to 7 p.m. at its office at 246 E. Broad St., Tamaqua. This is for Schuylkill County and Panther Valley school children ages 12 and under.

What you will need to bring to sign ups: Original birth certificate for all children signing up; proof of residency of guardian; proof of income; photo ID; clothing and shoe sizes for each child; a list of three needs and wants of each child.

Please, no children at in-person sign up.

Online sign ups are available at https://saangeltree.org and ends on Nov. 10.