Letter to the Editor: Male dominance being chipped away
For most of history, male dominance was a part of life and it seemed natural. Men wrote the laws, religious books, scientific texts, had philosophical debates, and dominated the arts. Men have always told us the story.
In the U.S. females went from 60% domestic servant to getting college educated and now, countless men think women’s progress has come at their expense. It has not. Women have simply taken a slice out of their white male privilege and the countless benefits they have always received, just by being men.
Enter Trump’s toxic masculinity that has filtered down to males every where in our country, it’s at an all time high. Dr. Loretta Trickett, “Masculinity, and the misogyny it allows, is so embedded in our society, men rarely even recognize it.”
Porn is an extension of living in a man’s world which contributes to rape culture. There it is, all in one place, battery, abuse, and rape as erotic misogyny. Rape is not about sex, it is about power.
In 2022, in Pennsylvania, 112 people died from domestic violence, 1,600 in the last 10 years. Woman are 5 times more likely to be murdered when her abuser has access to a gun. During crisis, even if the gun is not discharged, the mere presence in the home can coerce, threaten, and terrorize children, family and friends.
Ladies Google the “violence wheel.” Violence is the method used for dominance and subordination.
In May, Pennsylvania Democrats passed HB 1018, 102-99 which provides for loved ones, family members, and law enforcement to ask a judge to hold a hearing and temporarily disarm someone in crisis.
Dead end right there. Republicans always let us know who and what they value. Guns and gynecology have been top priority for decades. For men, their political interest has been for their own, to perpetuate the dominance of masculine values. Their politics are rigid and unyielding with absolutely no signs of changing.
If you leave female sexuality out of the equation, do men even like women?
Debra Becker