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Franklin forming committee for new building

Several members have agreed to serve on a committee to oversee a new administration and police office building.

Township secretary Brenda Cressley told Supervisor Jason Frey that to date, the township had two people agree to serve on the building committee, while two more have expressed interest to serve.

During Tuesday’s meeting, it appeared as if a third person agreed to serve on the committee.

Supervisor Robin Cressley suggested the township visit buildings in other municipalities.

Supervisors were asked if the township plans to keep its police department, to which board Chairman Fred Kemmerer Jr. offered a response.

“We’re building it with the thought (it will) have our police department (in it),” he said.

In April, supervisors on a 2-0 vote approved the construction of a new administration and police office building.

Kemmerer Jr. said at that time the next step was the possible creation of a committee.

The former Carpenter’s Hobby Shop building at 903 Fairyland Road was recently demolished to make room for a new administration and police building.

The township has $1.2 million set aside in its PLGIT Capital Reserve Building Fund for the project.

After an executive session, supervisors agreed to pay the overage charge of $7,000, in addition to $27,500 in contractual costs, for the extra work completed during the demolition of the Hobby Shop building.

In February, council agreed to sign the demolition contract to have AR Popple Tkg & Exc LLC, Wilkes-Barre, demolish the Hobby Shop building.

The township wants to have enough room to accommodate eight police officers, administration, zoning officer, zoning hearing board and/or supervisors for when they have to go into executive session.

The current township building is 2,800 square feet.

The township would build a new 7,200-square-foot building in between the former Hobby Shop site and current administration office.