Lansford eyes no tax increase as budget process starts
Lansford Borough Council began working on its 2024 budget last week, Council President Bruce Markovich said.
The first meeting was Sept. 12, and work will continue on Tuesdays at 6 p.m. through Oct. 24, if needed. The exception will be Oct. 10, when the meeting will be at 4:30 p.m.
Council is working toward a spending plan with no increase in taxes, which would be the third consecutive year with no tax hike for residents, Markovich said.
Council also intends to reduce the sewage transmission fee from $60 a year to $45 a year, as the borough isn’t anticipating any large sewerage projects in the future, he said.
Lansford reduced the transmission fee from $90 to $60 last year, as the borough paid off a 30-year, $3 million loan to separate sanitary and stormwater lines early.
Residents are paying more for sewage disposal following a recent increase, Markovich said.
The borough also wants to raise its contribution to the Lansford Fire Company to help with operating costs and offset a decrease in donations that the fire company is receiving from residents, he said.
Also under public safety, the borough wants to raise the hourly rate for part-time police officers, and renovate the police department’s kitchen area and add a shower, he said.
Markovich noted at a recent council meeting that they’re also looking at adding a washer and dryer for officers, who may be exposed to various health hazards on the job.
Council is also budgeting $18,500 for a new computer system for police, and at least $15,000 in renovations to the police department, Markovich said.
“We’re probably going to put $45,000 to $50,000 into downstairs,” he said during Wednesday’s council meeting.
Code enforcement will also benefit from new computers in the 2024 budget, Markovich said.
Earlier this year, council authorized spending up to $75,000 on the purchase of a used street sweeper, but was unable to acquire one. Council now wants to budget $100,000 for a used street sweeper, Markovich said.
Council wants to add new benches to the renovated skate park, basketball courts and tennis courts, adding them to its proposed 2024 spending plan.
The next budget meeting is Tuesday at 6 p.m.