Schuylkill Twp. looking to fill two positions
The Schuylkill Township supervisors are looking for a few good people - a new township secretary and a part-time police officer.
The supervisors voted Monday night to advertise for a new secretary who would work 18-20 hours per week, three days a week, and the pay would be negotiable.
Supervisor Gary Feathers said the township could get a secretary through the Schuylkill County Senior Citizen Program.
“They would pay up to four years of the salary,” Feathers said of the senior program administered by AARP, formerly known as the American Association of Retired People.
The supervisors also voted to send a letter of intent to the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) to ask for that agency’s help in training the new secretary.
“DCED staff would train the new secretary at no charge, if we send them a letter of intent,” Feathers said.
The supervisors also appointed Dana Brubaker as the new township treasurer, to replace Denise Hill, who has been out sick for the last few months. Hill’s bond as secretary-treasurer was also terminated by the supervisors.
The supervisors also voted to advertise for another part-time police officer. One of the township’s officers has not been reporting to work because of a pay dispute.
An email sent by the officer to the board outlined salaries of part-time officers in other Schuylkill County municipalities. The salaries ranged from $19 to $30 per hour, averaging out at $23.99 per hour. The township pays its part-time officers $19 per hour and Police Chief Frank DiMarco $20 per hour. All township officers, including the chief, are part-time.
The supervisors said they will examine the officers’ salaries.
“You have to go by population,” said Supervisor Charles Hosler.
Feathers asked that the township approach the Borough of Tamaqua about what it would cost to provide police protection to the township.
“The last time we asked Tamaqua, it would cost $80,000, and that was 15 or 20 years ago,” said Supervisor Chairman Charles Fayash. “It was more,” Hosler said.
“Who knows what it will cost, unless we ask?” Feathers said.
A resident questioned why the supervisors don’t give their own officers more hours instead of hiring Tamaqua.
The supervisors also voted 2-1 to ratify a contract with Jason Lex, an officer the supervisors voted to rehire last month at a rate of $17.50 per hour under a contract that contained a six-month probationary period and a supervisor option of an additional two-month probationary period. Lex was rehired against the wishes of Police Chief Frank DiMarco.
Feathers said Lex’s contract could be used as a template for contracts with other officers.
On the recommendation of DiMarco, the supervisors voted to purchase ammunition for all of the police department’s weapons for $678.
At the request of Feathers, the supervisors voted to purchase a new refrigerator for township employees. Last month, Feathers and DiMarco were at odds over police evidence being stored in the refrigerator. DiMarco read a statement at the meeting from the Schuylkill County Coroner’s Office stating the evidence was sealed when DiMarco turned it over to them last November.
Roads to be paved
Four more township streets will be paved before winter. Streets Foreman Mark Buccieri said two streets in Tuscarora - Chestnut Street, from Strawberry Street to Wyoming Street, and Mulberry Street, from Wyoming to Strawberry - and two streets in Brockton, Union Street, from Washington Street to Lewis Street, and Mine Street, from Union Street to Valley Street, will be paved.
Buccieri said price quotes from Schuylkill Paving received earlier this year are still good, so the streets will be paved for $22,500.
Line painting will be done Saturday, Sept. 23, Buccieri said.