Walker Twp. to buy used plow truck
Walker Township supervisors approved a motion to purchase a 2006 International plow truck for $25,000 from Pleasant Township through Muncibid.
There was also be a 9% buyer’s fee, which is $2,250.
Roadmaster Chad Felty and some of the supervisors will determine a date to arrange to pick up the truck.
Road projects
“We finished the tarring and chipping of the roads today,” Roadmaster Chad Felty told township supervisors.
The work was done on areas of Mountain Road, Valley Road, Catawissa Road and Shady Lane.
“In about a week or two, the company that did the work will be back to vacuum up the loose stones,” Felty said. “Then in about another week or two, we can arrange to have lines painted.”
Supervisors decided that lines will be painted on the areas that were just done on Mountain Road, Valley Road, and Catawissa Road, plus parts of Wildcat Road.
DUI agreement
Supervisors approved the renewal of the DUI Cooperative Agreement that was started last year.
DUI roving and DUI checkpoints are done at different locations around the county. In September, 2022, checkpoints in Walker Township resulted in eight DUIs, 15 citations for traffic violations, five arrests for narcotics, and 13 vehicles towed because of expired licenses and refusal DUIs.
The Highway Safety program is a grant program that will reimburse the host township for the salary costs, at time-and-a-half, for the officers to conduct the DUI checkpoints and rovings.
New England Fire Company Report
New England Fire Company member Chad Felty gave the monthly fire company report.
“For the month of July, we had 10 calls; for the month of August, we had seven calls,” Felty said. “That puts us up to 52 calls for the year so far.”
On Saturday, the fire company will hold a drive-through chicken BBQ dinner from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
On Nov. 4, “The Majestics” will perform from 7 to 10 p.m. at the New England Fire Co, 7 Miller Lane, Tamaqua. Doors open at 6 p.m. Food and drink will be available for purchase.
Call 570-640-6009 or 570-668-4902 for tickets.