Published September 09. 2023 08:54AM
I would appreciate the opportunity to correct some facts about me contained in Mr. Markovich’s letter of Aug. 21. As a Lansford taxpayer and former councilwoman, I was relieved to learn the borough had finally received the grant. The $75,000 will reimburse the borough for the check previously written to Mr. Hill. Also, I did indeed check with the office regarding the receipt of the grant prior to writing my letter to the editor. It had not been received. My letter was written approximately 12 days before it appeared in the paper. My comment was “if” the grant did not materialize the borough would be out $75,000. This is a true fact. I made not allegations, but had great concern about borough checks being written for large amounts in the hope of receiving a grant. In my opinion, this is not good business or financially responsible. His statement that PMVB was paying the legal fees, closing costs had me confused. At a recent council meeting, he stated PMVB was paying the utilities from the date of agreement until the closing. This I did not understand as Mr. Hill would have still been the owner of the property. Markovich stated this was to ensure no tax dollars are spent on this project. Too late! There are still checks written for $22,542 and $45,999 for property of Hill’s which the money will not be recouped until they are sold. Also, how much is the cost of insurance, what will be the maintenance and upkeep cost, etc. etc.? Tamaqua SOS is now advertising for bids for a new roof for their station. They are a group independent of the borough. That is as it should have been in Lansford. Borough should not have gotten involved.
Thank you,
Rose Mary Cannon