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Lansford opposes countywide reassessment

Lansford Borough Council plans to draft a resolution opposing a countywide reassessment, a move the Lehighton Area School Board is pushing, council President Bruce Markovich said.

There is no benefit for Lansford in a reassessment, which always seems to hurt senior citizens who worked hard to have a nice home and can’t afford the additional taxes after retiring, he said.

“They’re being asked to pay additional taxes, simply for fixing up their houses when they had the money to do it,” Markovich said. “I just don’t see it.”

Councilman Bill Chuma agreed, saying, “I think I’m against it.”

The last reassessment in Carbon County was 20 years ago, Markovich said, and Schuylkill County is spending $6 million on reassessment now.

The borough also has to keep in mind that the Panther Valley School District is undertaking a feasibility study, he said. The study will examine the condition of the district’s buildings.

Council members agreed and voted to pass a resolution so that Lansford is on record opposing a reassessment, should the matter come before the county commissioners.


Council set dates for budget meetings in September and October, working with Lacy Gonzalez of LGH Accounting to come up with a spending plan for 2024.

Meetings will be Sept. 12, 19 and 26, and Oct. 10, 17 and 24 at 6 p.m. Markovich said after the meeting that the borough found it better to work with a professional on the budget. Gonzalez is paid $60 an hour, he said.