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Ludlow Park to have more events after upgrade

New underground electrical wiring has been installed in an area of Summit Hill’s Ludlow Park in order to have more outdoor events.

The wiring was laid in the northeast side of the park and included the addition of new electric box pedestals.

The work was a result of a matching municipal grant obtained by the Summit Hill Recreation Committee.

The grant application was written by Karen Ruzicka, a member of the borough council and its representative on the Recreation Committee.

Ruzicka said the grant total was $4,975 with the borough matching that.

The contractor for the work was Shawn Kresge Electric of Jim Thorpe although much of the labor was supplied by the borough to save on costs and to expand the benefits of the grant. The borough’s two-man work force, assisted by summer workers, dug and refilled the trenches for the underground wiring.

Ronald Yuricheck, who supervised the work force crew, said the borough rented a trench digger - also known as a ditch witch - to speed up the job.

Electricity was available only at specific areas of the park including the gazebo before the new wiring.

Ruzicka hopes more underground wiring and electric box pedestals can be installed in other areas of the park in the future.

Kathy Gieniec, chairman of the Recreation Commission, said the commission holds numerous events at the park during the year including Christmas on the Hill, movies in the park, the annual Hootenanny and summer concerts.

Gieniec anticipates the park will be utilized even more with the additional availability of electric outlets.

Summit Hill borough worker Colton Black uses a trench digger to help with the installation of underground wiring in Ludlow Park. The Recreation Commission obtained a grant for the underground wiring as well as the placement of two electric portals.
Adrian Munoz, blue shirt, and Jase Horvath, yellow shirt, summer workers for Summit Hill borough, fill in a trench in Ludlow Park where new underground wiring was installed. RON GOWER/SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS