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Lehighton Borough Council

Lehighton Borough Council took the following action on Monday:

• Approved the Mek-Tek 2024 Preventive Maintenance Inspection Agreement quote of $11,500 for the Annex building.

• Approved Keystone Technologies proposal for IT services for $3,450 a month to cover the entire borough, and $85 an hour for on-site work.

• Decided not to renew DRC Technology’s contract.

• Agreed to have borough police Chief Joe Sparich be the point of contact for the bodycams grant. The grant is for $28,000, and is a matching grant.

• Granted approval to sign the 2023 Community Development Block Grant application for the North Main Lane Road Improvement and borough parking lot improvement projects.

• Approved the updated police Civil Service list.

• Agreed to give a $3,000 bonus to borough secretary Brenda Kreitz, and a $1,000 bonus each to assistant treasurer/secretary Kim Rubin, and treasurer Cathy Smith.

• Approved Tim Ream’s resignation from the borough’s Planning Commission.

• Tabled the appointment of Alton Steigerwalt to the borough’s Planning Commission.

• Agreed to send a letter to the property owner at 340 North Third St. to clean up the property, and also to get a quote for the borough to clean it up in the event they don’t comply.

• Approved a request for TNT Auto Repairs, LLC, 619 Iron St., to block off Iron Street to King Alley for a Car Cruise/Show on Sept. 29.

- Terry Ahner