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West Penn Township

West Penn Township supervisors took the following action on Monday:

• Held a moment of silence for township resident Mark Boyle, who was killed earlier this month.

• Approved a resolution concerning the waiving of member contributions to the police pension plan for the 2023 calendar year.

• Announced that Tony Kuhn has achieved his Eagle Scout rank, Boy Scouting’s highest rank.

• Adopted the Fair Housing resolution of 2023.

• Agreed to participate in the Schuylkill County Hazard Mitigation Plan update project.

• Adopted a resolution for the Van Tol, William & Carol subdivision.

• Agreed a request to waive the requirement to provide a Mylar copy of the Rosso boundary line adjustment, and adopted a resolution to approve the Rosso Annexation Plan with conditions that all comments from the ARRO letter dated July 20, Bill Brior, and the Schuylkill Planning are addressed.

• Approved a request to provide fire police help with parking and traffic control for the “Guns and Cash Bash” to be held on Sept. 16.

- Terry Ahner