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West Penn Lions holding two events

A twofold celebration will soon be on tap in West Penn Township.

The event will be hosted by the West Penn Township Lions Club at 6 p.m. Aug. 16 at the West Penn Township Park, Zion Stone Church Road, New Ringgold.

It will consist of a dedication ceremony for its basketball court, as well as its Hero Award Celebration, according to Bob Neumoyer, secretary.

At that time, Neumoyer said Lion President Karissa Brothers will present the Local Community Hero Donation Checks totaling $5,000 to representatives from:

• Boy Scouts of America, Troop 755 Clamtown ($350).

• Penn Mahoning Ambulance ($1,000).

• Tamaqua Adult Day Care Center ($300).

• Tamaqua Public Library ($500).

• Tamaqua Salvation Army Service Center ($500).

• West Penn Community 4H Club ($350).

• West Penn Fire Co. No. 1 ($1,000).

• West Penn Township Community Park ($1,000).

Additionally, Neumoyer said that Brothers and Robert Miller, Past International Director, will preside over the dedication of the new basketball equipment at the West Penn Township Park.

He said that the West Penn Park Commission mentioned the need for an upgrade to the existing old park basketball equipment.

Neumoyer said that the West Penn Lions responded by requesting a matching grant from the Lions of PA Foundation for half the cost of the equipment.

He said the West Penn Lions completed the donation by funding the remaining half of the equipment cost. The replacement equipment include a pair of new basketball poles, two backboards, hoops and nets.

“Thank you to the West Penn Township supervisors, and road foreman Jeremy Frable and his crew, who completed the removal of the old equipment and the installation of the new equipment,” Neumoyer said. “We are always looking for new members who want to give back to the community and who would like to assist in our service projects.”

Neumoyer said that in the summer, the West Penn Lions meet at 6 p.m. the first and third Wednesday of each month at West Penn Park. He said all are welcome to attend.

For more information, visit the West Penn Lions on Facebook and e-clubhouse on the internet.