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It’s a racket: Pickleball debuts in Summit Hill

The Summit Hill Recreation Commission has brought pickleball to the borough.

Kathy Gieniec, chairman of the commission, said pickleball is being held from 6-9 p.m. each Wednesday at the Hill Top Community Center. She said enough people were interested in it that it will be offered.

In addition, yoga is held by the commission from 6-7:15 p.m. each Thursday. Gieniec said about 10-12 people have been attending the yoga events.

For more information, visit the community center on the night of the event.

In other business:

• Mayor Jeffrey Szczecina said there continues to be many positive things happening in the community.

He said the Summit Hill American Legion paid for new basketball rims at the Ginder courts.

In addition, about 30 people attended a free concert by the Cressona Band.

Both the recently held Hootenanny and St. Joseph’s Church Festival were deemed successes and were very well attended.

The annual cornhole tournament at the Hilltop Community Center will be held Aug. 19 and benefit the Lansford Pool Project.

• The council rejected a request by Salon Essence for two additional parking spaces at 39 W. Ludlow Street.

• Councilman Alan Kruslicky, chairman of the street committee, said paving has been completed throughout the borough with 488 tons of blacktop used.

He said the maintenance crew has completed its other scheduled projects, too.

• The Panther Valley High School Class of 2019 was given permission to change the date of its 3-on-3 basketball tournament at the Ginder Field from July 8 to Saturday, Aug. 5. It was also granted approval to use bathrooms at the Ginder Park.

• The borough rejected a request to take over the roads at Polar Court in the White Bear area of the borough.

Bethany La, front, and Nancy Kerestes, both of Summit Hill, play pickleball at the Hilltop Community Center in Summit Hill. Pickleball is part of the Summit Hill Recreation Commission's list of events and is held each Wednesday at the Community Center. RON GOWER/SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS
Amy and Travis Beers, left, are congratulated by the team of Nancy Kerestes, gray shirt, and Bethany La, following their pickleball match at the Hilltop Community Center.