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Palmerton seeks grant for pool consultant

Palmerton hopes to get a grant to hire a consultant for the Palmerton Memorial Pool.

With that in mind, borough council last week discussed the Palmerton Memorial Pool Association Peer to Peer Grant cost share request.

The matter was to update the lease the borough has with the pool association, according to borough Manager Autumn Canfield.

Canfield said that to hire someone to do that, there is a match.

“The grant would fund the hiring of a consultant,” Canfield said. “If successful, the grant does require a match.”

Councilman Richard Nothstein spoke glowingly of the pool and the significant role it has played in the lives of many.

“The pool has been an integral part (of the community) for 76 years,” Nothstein said.

The project will cost $1,500. Of that, $750 is the borough’s amount.

On behalf of Country Harvest Family Market, Nothstein then presented a check to Mayor Don Herrmann for $750, or half the amount.

Council applauded Nothstein for the contribution.

After the meeting, Canfield said the amount for the grant request will be about $15,000.

“That should cover the costs of the consultant to help us bring the lease up to date,” she said. “At this point, it is a year to year, but was originally written a very long time ago.

Canfield added that the $1,500 is the match for the grant.

Palmerton Borough Councilman Richard Nothstein, left, presents a $750 check on behalf of Country Harvest Family Market to borough Mayor Don Herrmann for the Palmerton Memorial Pool Association. TERRY AHNER/TIMES NEWS