Daisy Girl Scout Troop forms in Albrightsville
Looking for something for your kindergarten or first-grade age daughter to do locally? There’s a new Girl Scout Troop in Albrightsville.
Janeen Taylor had been a Brownie troop helper for her daughter, who is now 31 years old. After moving to the mountains permanently two years ago with her six year old Isabella, Janeen was looking for ways for her daughter to interact with other girls. That’s when she met Briana Doyle at their daughters’ preschool.
The women began discussing ways for their daughters to interact with other girls their age in the area, so they began the Penn Kidder Girl Scouts Troop. The “Daisies” are for kindergarten and first -grade girls.
Taylor said she was looking for “a sense of community for young girls and hopefully they will grow up with this group without distance having to be a hindrance.”
It took a year of planning to actually have the local Daisies troop. As the troop is in its early stages, they are still deciding on what type of activities they will do.
Currently, they are working on arts and crafts projects, and small projects. The Daisies will be able to earn badges. The first one is a flower badge, then petals are added for various accomplishments, such as “compassion and caring” or doing something for a neighbor.
Doyle and Taylor are brainstorming plans for fees and dues, and hope to help the troop members learn about money. The fall cookie sale will be a part of this.
Doyle, who was a Brownie in the Girl Scouts, said, “It’s important for my child to be involved in activities to be well rounded.”
For the first year of the troop, the leaders are hoping to solidify the routine, get girls to join, learn ideas as leaders, and generate income to be able to do activities with the children.
Meetings are held at 6 p.m. on Wednesday at Penn Kidder Elementary School. To register, contact Liz Saba at lsaba@gshpa.org or 717-216-7431. There is a $35 registration fee.