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Lansford reviews handicapped parking

Lansford Borough Council plans to revise its handicapped parking rules after a request from a resident, who is paraplegic and doesn’t qualify under the borough’s current rules.

Council tabled a request for 359 W. Water St. last month for further review, and in July, received a handicapped parking request from 365 W. Water St.

Councilman Martin Ditsky said he didn’t want to act on the most recent request, until they resolved the issues with the first one on that street.

He also noted that parking is a problem on Water Street, and now people are putting out garbage cans to protect their spaces.

Solicitor Robert Yurchak said the resident at 359 W. Water St. is paraplegic, has a driver’s license and a handicapped placard, but “doesn’t technically qualify with handicapped ordinance.”

He suggested the borough revisit the ordinance, and specifically define paraplegic or someone who is paralyzed and allow them to apply for handicapped parking.

The borough has the authority under the Borough Code and state Vehicle Code to handle parking and handicapped parking spaces, Yurchak said.

“We can do this if council wants to do it,” he said. “We issue a special disabled person parking space and assign a number to it, so nobody else can use it.”

Council members were concerned they may be opening the door to numerous requests for handicapped parking spaces, because people wanted their own personal parking space.

Councilman Bill Chuma said this is a situation where the resident couldn’t get out of the house in a wheelchair if a car was parked in front of the home due to the narrow sidewalk and street.

Yurchak said council could define the applicant specifically and then require medical proof.

Council authorized the solicitor to come up with a draft amendment that council can review. Council also tabled the request for handicapped parking 365 W. Water St.