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Walnutport receives $191,000 grant for truck

Walnutport has received a sizable grant to buy a truck for yard waste recycling.

On a 6-0 vote, borough council on Thursday accepted a 902 Development & Implementation of Municipal Recyling Program Grant in the amount of $191,336.

Borough grant coordinator Michael Wentz noted that the total cost of the project is $212,596.

Afterward, council agreed to order equipment, a truck, and equipment that was included in the 902 grant.

Wentz said the borough was awarded its 902 recycling grant on Monday.

He said the grant will go toward the purchase of a truck for yard waste recycling.

Wentz also noted that the borough received a Local Share Account grant for $100,000, and added that a $50,000 Grow NOCO Grant is pending.

Councilwoman Patrice Hunsicker was absent.

Volleyball court

A Walnutport resident who previously made a donation toward a volleyball court said he’s now at peace if it doesn’t get used as much as he had hoped.

Donald Eckhart told borough council that he was recently at Indian Trail Park and that they have a volleyball court there by the pavilions.

“There was the miracle sand I was looking for,” Eckhart said. “The sand at Indian Trail Park is about as good as you’re going to get.”

Eckhart added, “As far as I’m concerned, it’s a dead issue.”

Wentz had an update for Eckhart.

“As of today (Thursday), there’s a volleyball league coming to play in Walnutport,” Wentz said.

In March, Eckhart voiced his displeasure that a volleyball court is not being used more at a borough playground.

At that time, he noted that several years ago he made a $2,000 donation toward the volleyball court.

The volleyball court has been used, but not as much of late. Eckhart brought along with him samples of the sand he had collected.

Wentz told Eckhart at that time the sand the borough has is the same kind that’s in Lehigh Township.