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Motorcyclist seriously injured in Rt. 93 crash

Cody J. Reeves, 30, of Hazleton, sustained suspected serious injuries in a motorcycle crash at 7:42 p.m. July 1 on Route 93 near the intersection with Laurel Mall Boulevard in Hazle Township.

State police at the Hazleton barracks said he was transported by personnel from the Greater Hazleton Ambulance Service to the Lehigh Valley Hospital, Hazleton.

Police said he was operating a 2006 Honda northbound and was traveling faster than reasonably prudent while passing vehicles between lanes. Police said he lost control as he attempted to change lanes. The cycle struck a curb, became airborne and came to rest on the eastbound portion of Laurel Mall Boulevard.

The cycle sustained disabling damages and was towed from the scene.

Police said Reeves was cited for “driving on roadways laned for traffic.”