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Letter to the Editor: Objects to the liberal use of ‘Liberals’

I must object to the derogatory use of the label “Liberals” in a published rant by a local resident. The “Liberal” label is, once again, used to mean “anything I don’t agree with” - which is bigoted thinking! The people who use that label should begin to recognize they are being groomed by Fox News, TikTok, etc., to only think and behave in a certain way as we see in communism, anarchies, and restrictions of freedom and liberty.

This great country of ours stands for free thinking, unexpurgated education, accommodating the complexities of human behavior, and individual rights. I greatly value the freedom to awaken to the complete facts of history so that we can avoid past mistakes, guide our choices of political leadership, and ensure our freedoms.

David thor Straten-Mohr
