Published June 23. 2023 04:56PM
?Dear editor, there have been a number of Times News articles of late pointing out the resignations of several of our valuable county employees because right now, the money isn’t there to pay them the wage they should receive.
I believe the main problem is that one of our largest county landowners, “the city of Bethlehem” (23,000 Carbon County acres) pays no taxes to Carbon County. They do, however, dam up our Carbon County water, and sell it to many municipalities and townships in other counties south of us. Every gallon they sell is a natural resource from Carbon County, so even though they may be exempt from traditional property tax, they should pay us a certain amount per gallon of water they “take from us.” Our County Commissioners should demand it.
Since we don’t demand it, they now want (25) plus 600 foot tall wind turbines installed on that watershed property for more income. Again, we get no part of. These wind turbines would ruin the natural beauty of the county, and compromise the very quality of the watershed they pump water from.
Sit on your hands a little longer, and watch the ugly wind mills on the horizon when you go outside. There are some of us out here (the Davids fighting Goliath) who have been resisting for over 6 years. Where are the rest of the county residents? Do you like the current natural beauty or do you want plastic windmill monstrosities in your face?
If you see the windmills starting to be erected, it’s too late. Please try to send a dollar per household member to: SOAR
PO Box 178, Everett, Pa. 15537
They are a non profit standing up with us and other counties who don’t want wind turbines destroying their views. Standing up requires hiring and paying environmental lawyers. Please help save the watershed and county natural beauty.
John Ferguson
Towamensing Twp.