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Hunting licenses, doe tags go on sale at 8 a.m. Monday

No more pink envelopes.

Instead, hunters simply will buy their 2023-24 antlerless deer licenses wherever hunting licenses are sold.

Licenses, including doe tags, go on sale at 8 a.m. Monday.

Deer Management Assistance Program permits, which in previous years were available on the first day of general license sales, this year will go on sale at 8 a.m. Monday, Aug. 14.

Hunters essentially have two options in buying their licenses. They can go to a license issuing agent - there are more than 650 of them statewide at sporting goods stores, gun shops, big-box retailers, Game Commission offices and county treasurer’s offices - or they can purchase licenses online.

An online customer who wants a general license and antlerless license must click to select those options, plus any other available licenses and permits they want (archery, bear or muzzleloader licenses, for example) before checking out. In-person customers relay that information to the issuing agent, who checks the appropriate boxes and prints the licenses and tags. Licenses and tags purchased online are sent to customers by mail within 10 business days.

Antlerless licenses, each of which can be used to harvest one antlerless deer within the Wildlife Management Unit for which it’s issued, are available in limited numbers. The number of licenses to be made available within each WMU is set annually by the Game Commission based on the deer-management goals there. Once the available number is gone, no more are sold.

The sale of antlerless deer licenses will follow a set schedule and system of rounds similar to what was in place when licenses were obtained by mail. Hunters may purchase no more than one antlerless license per round in the first three rounds.

Sales to nonresidents begin on Monday, July 10 at 8 a.m.

The second round, in which a resident or nonresident may pick up a second antlerless deer license, begins at 8 a.m. Monday, July 24.

The third round begins at 8 a.m. Monday, Aug. 14, the same day DMAP permits go on sale.

Then in the fourth round, to begin at 8 a.m. Monday, Aug. 28, hunters may purchase additional antlerless deer licenses for any WMU where licenses remain, until reaching their personal limit of six active antlerless deer licenses.

License fees for the 2023-24 license year, which begins July 1, remain unchanged.

General hunting licenses and furtaker licenses each cost $20.97 for Pennsylvania residents and $101.97 for nonresidents.

Resident senior hunters and furtakers ages 65 and older can purchase one-year licenses for $13.97, or lifetime licenses for $51.97. Antlerless deer licenses continue to cost $6.97 each for residents and $26.97 each for nonresidents.

A complete list of license fees is available at www.pgc.pa.gov.