Letter to the Editor: Lettee reeks of moral relativism
A letter to the editor accused Catholics of making transgenders their new enemy reeked of moral relativism.
Moral Relativism is the belief that there are no absolutes and truth changes according to the times and a circumstance in history, denying God’s never changing wisdom.
“All wisdom is from the Lord God, and has been always with him, and is before all time.” (Sirach 1:11)
Catholics do not consider transgenders their enemy. Instead, they pray for them to seek the mental health necessary for them to become what God created them to be.
The writer committed the worst injustice one could do with scriptural verses, using them out of context to justify sin. Transgenderism contradicts scientific fact and worse, God’s sacred scripture. In Matthew 19:4 Jesus confirms, “From the beginning the Creator made them male and female.”
Dr. Nelle Stevens in 1905 was the first American geneticist who decoded and declared the science of “only two genders.”
News reports acknowledge the destructiveness and ungodliness of Transgenderism. The Blaze recently reported that there were 1,130 so-called chest reconstructive surgeries, mastectomies, performed on female children.
While the writer defends the mutilation of one’s body to change gender he councils others from scripture, “Judge not, that you may not be judged.” (Matthew 7:1)
He insinuates that Catholics contradict God’s word by being self-righteous moralists when condemning sinfulness.
The apostle James stated clearly, “Admonishing the sinner is a spiritual work of mercy,” (James 5:20.)
Scripture demands us to make wise judgments on many things, especially spiritually. St. Paul says, “The spiritual man judges all things” (1 Corinthians 2:15).
The writer chooses to omit in his letter the fact that after Jesus forgave sinners He was very emphatic throughout scripture in telling them, “Go, and now sin no more.” (John 8:11).
Walter Camier
Hazle Township