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Slatington stresses importance of safe stormwater discharge

Slatington councilman Jeffrey Hausman read the MS4 Stormwater Annual Report at the council meeting Monday night. Hausman recommended residents check the website for information and forms regarding stormwater, including reporting any illicit discharge into the stormwater system.

“The EPA defines an illicit discharge as ‘any discharge to an MS4 (Stormwater System) that is not composed entirely of stormwater’,” Hausman said.

If a resident witnesses an illicit discharge into the municipal storm sewer system, he or she should call 610-767-2131 or use the “Illicit Discharge Reporting Form” found on the Stormwater Management website.

There is also a Stormwater Maze and a Stormwater Word Search on the website.

“The borough also provides additional information along with a stormwater survey,” Hausman said. “We encourage borough residents, staff, and businesses to participate.”

The website is: https://slatington.org/stormwater-management-protection/.

Other council business

• A motion was made at the request of Chief Greg Winokur to purchase three Galaxy tablet A8s for the police department using COVID-19 relief funds (estimated about $250 per tablet), for total cost not to exceed $900.

The tablets would be used for evidence collection, presenting evidence in court, plus the ability to access several applications to allow police to access records on the road. Police have been using their own personal cellphones.

• A motion was made to purchase 36 new bottles for the air packs at a cost of $1,176 per bottle, $42,336 total, using COVID-19 funds. The bottles can be used in both old and new air packs. The borough and the fire department will continue to apply for grant funding to purchase new 4500 series air packs.

• A motion was made to hire, on a temporary basis, VGG Consulting LLC at a cost of $250 an hour, to work to secure grants for the fire department and the police department.

“We thought we’d give them a try,” said borough manager Daniel Stevens. “Have them find a couple of grants and see how it works out.”

• A motion was made to pass Resolution R-04-23 to accept the Northern Lehigh Multimunicipal Comprehensive plan intermunicipal cooperative implementation agreement. The agreement includes six municipalities: Slatington, and the townships of Heidelberg, Lowhill, Lynn, Washington and Weisenberg.

• Motion to approve payment application No. 3 to Gilmore and Associates Inc. for $89,209 for digester lid removal project.

• Water test statement - Water was tested and found safe for human consumption.