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Letter to the editor: Support for Pleasant Valley candidates

May 16 is Primary Day, and many people will take a pass, and not vote at all.

Yet voting in local elections is the most important vote you can cast! Local politics affect your life every day.

School board races are difficult for most voters; finding out what the candidates stand for is not easy.

Pleasant Valley has several candidates running for six seats. Three of those candidates are Moms for Liberty sympathizers; yet they denied their affiliation when asked about it at the NAACP Forum. I am voting for a slate of candidates whom I know are against all that the disruptive M4L stands for. Because these candidates believe in transparency, responsibility, and accountability. They have the experience and knowledge needed to work with the administration, and not just be rubber stamps.

PV District will be spending many millions of dollars on renovations, and we need good thinkers to keep hold of the reins. The people best suited for this are:

Donna Yozwiak, with 40 years of teaching, counseling and board experience.

Peter DeSanto, with extensive professional managerial experience.

Erika Engle, a professional manager with a local pharmaceutical company.

Mary Colon and Dayanara Rosa, two PV moms with a lot of experience in navigating the system to provide a good education for kids with special needs. These are the people who will keep the PV School district on a steady course. They have the heart and soul of Pleasant Valley as their first priority.

Linda Zak
