Pleasant Valley approves staff changes at buildings
This school year has seen many staff changes in the guidance counselor departments at the Pleasant Valley High School and middle school.
On Thursday, the school board approved making Brian Morgan, the cyber school counselor for fifth grade to 12th grade, the chairman of the School Counseling Department for grades nine to 12.
Morgan was appointed to the Bears Academy this school year, but was a guidance counselor at the high school for years prior to the change. His new responsibility comes with a stipend of $2,275.
The school board also approved the following staff and volunteer changes.
• Building volunteers - Shana Honey, Alicia Garger, Jennifer Halamar, Kayla Lindsay, Koryn Musto;
• Hiring of substitute nurse for Learning Recovery Opportunity (LRO) - Amy Krasniqi, $58 per hour;
• Hiring of PV Cub Summer Academy staff - teachers: $92 per day, Valerie Rudawski, Samantha Long, Amber Brown, Erin O’Farrell, Brianna Kajetzke, Kristen Gschwend, Vivien Raub, April Kresge; paraprofessionals: $72 per day, Desiree Murray, Rebecca Benson, Anna Manwiller, Drita Bescovic, Christine Skvaskic, Carol Priebe, MiChelle Palmer, Marcia Hansen, June Pepe; monitors: regular hourly rate of $9.15 per hour, Dorothy Sawyer;
• Intramural advisers - $1,240 stipend; boys basketball: Robert Hahn and Matthew Gould, PVHS, May 1 to June 1, June 20 to Aug. 3, and Sept. 4 to Nov. 15; youth girls basketball camp: Corinne Morris and Kelly Williams, PVHS, July 24-27; preseason girls basketball workouts: Corinne Morris and Kelly Williams, PVHS, Sept. 25 to Nov. 10; tennis: Laura Ammermann, PVMS, June 13 to July 26; cheerleading, Dawn Hahn, PVHS, May 1 to Aug. 14;
• Resignations - Jason Menghini, math specialist, PVIS; Brooke Hillegass, art/gifted teacher, PVMS; Tina Radcliffe, monitor, PVHS; Robert Ferguson, security, district wide;
• Retirement - Deanna Martini, math specialist, PVIS;
• Supplemental contracts: athletic - golf: Daniel Patascher, varsity assistant; field hockey: Lauren Black, junior high assistant, and Joelle McKeever, junior varsity assistant, and;
• Supplemental contracts: athletic non-coaching - Arianna Weaver, fall event manager, all sports.