Published April 29. 2023 07:07AM
People aren’t going to agree or like what I say but I believe it. I found out too late.
Parents, how your kids turn out depends on you! They can be educated or not. Workers or not. Clean or not. Lazy or not. Dependable or not. Friendly or not.
This and more depends on parents. I’m not saying that I did things right. There are things I messed up too. But I look back too late to change things. Sorry kids. Parents it’s up to you to get the kids on the right track. Schools are there to give them the smarts to make it. Not to teach about ability to work hard. Not about sex. Not about clean or dirty or lazy or not. Only to help you. Gay or transgender shouldn’t be in studies. School age is too young for that. They find out on their own when they are older and wiser. Same thing with drugs and alcohol.
Some day they might (I hope) find out they didn’t know as much as they thought. That hate is taught. Your not born with it. Some of you should try to make someone smile. Anger can end up ruining lives. Think before you do.
I remain,
Robert (Ski) Siesputowski
Summit Hill