Published April 29. 2023 07:07AM
In the beginning, God made everything, and finally he made Man! Yes, Man! the very first human being! Humans, we are called. Then he realized that man was not good alone, and He created a female, from the Man’s rib, of all things! and she was created by God as a companion for the man! A helpmate, would you believe!
They were given the right to eat of every tree in the garden except the one tree of which God told them not to eat. However, then Satan, the devil, stepped in and convinced Eve, the woman, who was supposed to be man’s companion, to eat of that very tree, the tree of knowledge of good and evil, and from there, has come all of our trouble.
Now, all went along OK, humans growing and prospering and doing good and bad things until the days of Noah and his family, when finally, things were so bad that God was sorry for all he had created and destroyed it all with a flood, Except Noah and his family, and two of everything! Can you imagine! Two of everything, male and female so that they all could again reproduce and populate the Earth again!
So, here we are, with all the grand and great wonderful intelligence that we have been allowed by God to learn and increase and grow, and what are we doing with it? Walking around with these things in our hands and ears and living in a world alone, too busy to be companions and friends to each other, even at a table no conversation, just fingering our cellphones, etc., with no human companionship!
No time for God, close the churches, sell the buildings, and on and on to what?
Cigarette and beer commercials have changed to legalized pot, and wine, wineries, and vaping and who knows what else? Movies? Nothing like used to be, now, many of them have young women having a beer (or beers), or more, I could go on and on. I hope I haven’t stepped on too many toes.
Ruthann Schlecht Lehighton