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Beltzville State Park hike a lesson in nature

The Friends of Beltzville led an Earth Day hike at the Carbon County state park on Saturday.

“We’re looking for early signs of spring and identifying spring wildflowers and flowering trees,” Master Gardener Diane Giffles said. “It’s important for the spring flowers to pollinate early sources of food for pollinators.”

Along the walk on the Ground Pine trail loop, plants, trees and other flora were identified. The trail had plenty of ground pine, also called “Princess Pine,” beginning to grow which will eventually grow thick along both sides of the trail.

Doreen Russ, of Effort, brought along her 7-year-old grandson, Elias, for his first hike. He enjoyed learning about some of the sights as well as trail blazes.

Along the way, wild violets were pointed out and it was noted there are 25 varieties that grow in Pennsylvania. Black cherry trees, several varieties of wild mushrooms and wild grapes were pointed out. The wild grapes will actually grow around a tree and could kill it.

Park Ranger Jackie Metworth is in her fourth season at the park.

It’s good to take a day and remember what the Earth is here for,” she said.

The weather was perfect for an enjoyable way to learn and celebrate Earth Day.

Doreen Russ with 7-year-old grandson Elias discussing the hike. See a photo gallery at tnonline.com. LORI R. COOPER/SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS
From left: Phyliss Cunfer-Davidson, Friends of Beltzville President Diane Szwajkowski with Park Ranger Jackie Merworth. See a photo gallery at tnonline.com. LORI R.COOPER/SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS