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Letter to the Editor: Change needs to happen in Slatington

Slatington is still revitalizing Disney North with the stars in the circus tent of 125 South Walnut Street. Several months ago a woman at a council meeting stated she phoned the contractor doing lateral work if they were coming back to do the blacktop repairs. They said no!

Borough council ordinance #159-31-P states the contractor shall have the absolute responsibility to make repairs up to two years after completion of the permitted work. This was never followed. Lateral work was done in the borough 13 years ago. If the borough had a game plan each street would be resurfaced. Go to a meeting, they do not have a five year plan, not even a five-day plan!

Storm sewer grates have orange cones on sinking drains. With no or little snow plowing this year, work should have been done all winter. The black boxes in your residence next to the water meter are used for the borough crew to drive by to get the water meter readings. They have not worked for 28 years.

The borough Water Authority pays mileage to the treasurer for coming to Slatington, for someone who moved out of the borough years ago. He should have resigned from the committee. The borough hall was remodeled with no bid process.

Several years ago I filed a complaint to Washington Township concerning the falling down old keystone Lamp Factory. No response either. The borough should put pressure on the township concerning this eyesore. When you drive from Palmerton into Slatington on Route 873 you cannot tell what you are entering. Iraq, Ukraine or the Twilight Zone! My Campaign message - council should get off the fun house ride and all exit to the rear.

No change will come to Slatington until then.

Ron Scheffler
