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DEP covers remaining cost of Weissport levee

Borough Council President Tom Ketchledge told Weissport council members that he received an email from the state Department of Environmental Protection to sign a document regarding the grant for the levee project.

“It looks like we got accepted and that we won’t have to put out any money, that the DEP will pay their portion up front instead of us giving it to them (the Army Corps of Engineers) and us getting reimbursed by DEP.”

The Army Corps of Engineers had contacted Weissport regarding necessary repairs to the levee. The cost of repairs is estimated at $730,000. Weissport would have had to pay 20% of the cost, or nearly $146,000.


Weissport borough is dealing with stray cats.

Borough Council President Tom Ketchledge said someone dropped off a female cat and five kittens at his house. He found homes for three of the kittens, and he took the other two to Carbon County Friends of Animals where they were spayed/neutered and received feline and rabies vaccinations. The cost is $50 per cat.

“I used a live trap and caught a large male cat, and took him to an animal hospital in Rush Township to have him fixed,” Ketchledge said. “I found a home for him. The lady who adopted him donated $150 toward the costs. We are looking for some donations to help cover the rest of the cats’ vaccinations.”

He estimates at least three more adult cats are still in the area. To donate or for more information, call the borough office at 610-377-5606.

Arland Moyer Sr., then Weissport Borough Council president, takes a look at erosion at the Weissport levee in February 2022. TIMES NEWS FILE PHOTO