Lansford applies for development grants
Lansford Borough Council applied for several grants, including demolition of a collapsing home, curbing, guardrails and handicapped accessibility at Ashton Park Wednesday night.
The borough is seeking 2023 Community Development Block Grants to raze 151-151½ W. Ridge St., a towering, double home which has one side buckling, and to install curbing and guardrails.
The structure is in danger of falling into West Snyder Street near Klock’s Hill Road, and one lane is barricaded. The borough advised people to drive through at their own risk.
The borough also wants to use CDBG funds to install curbing on Cortright Street between Abbott and Water streets; and guardrails at the end of Springgarden and Pardee streets.
Council also applied for $160,000 in gaming funds to install two handicapped-accessible ramps on the playground side of Ashton Park, and two handicapped-accessible rides in the playground as well as new fencing.
In other business, the borough:
• Approved handicapped parking for 167 W. Ridge St.
• Approved special event forms for the Carbon Chamber & Economic Development’s bingo fundraiser (Lansford Friends) June 20 and Sept. 19 from 5 to 8 p.m. in Ashton Park; and Music in the Park concerts each Sunday from 6 to 8 p.m. from June 4 to Aug. 27 in Kennedy Park.
• Adopted the re-codification of the borough’s ordinances.
• Approved an ordinance to rescind the vacating of a portion of Tunnel Street.
• Approved advertising for materials for street repairs and the hiring of a part-time summer worker.
• Set the free community yard sale dates as May 6 and 7, which is the same as neighboring Coaldale’s.
• Approved a work agreement between the borough and borough secretaries dealing with time off.
Moved to formally thank Carbon Career and Technical Institute students for work on the Lansford station project plans. The students will be presented with certificates at 10:45 a.m. May 11 at the school.
• Announced a zoning and ordinance committee meeting regarding rentals for 6 p.m. Tuesday.
Set 6 p.m. April 25 as an executive session regarding terms for the position of police chief. The borough has been in negotiations with Fraternal Order of Police regarding a new police contract.