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Summit Hill looking for a part-time secretary

Summit Hill is in need of a part-time borough secretary.

Mary Ann Eickhoff, who holds the position, told the council last month she is retiring on May 30. She has worked in the borough office for four years.

Kira Steber, secretary-treasurer, said she advertised to fill the position but hasn’t gotten any applicants. Council said anyone interested in the part-time job should apply at the borough hall during regular business hours.

Other business

• Council said the spring cleanup dates have been set.

Cleanup will occur on the East Side of town and Kneppers Court on Saturday, April 22. East and West White Bear Drive also will be collected on this date.

It will be on the West side of the borough and Laurel Drive on April 29. Also on this date, both sides of Mountaintop Drive will be collected.

A maximum of four vehicle tires will be taken and they must be marked with a tag obtained at the borough hall. There is a limit on 10 bags of garbage. Refrigerators and air conditioners must have the coolant removed.

• A recycling event for computers, TVs and related equipment will be from 7-11 a.m. May 6 at Ginder Field. A maximum of four TVs is permitted.

• Council granted permission to the Anthracite Little League to use Ginder Park from April 17 to June 15 from 4-8 p.m. for baseball activity.

• It was suggested that a 2013 vehicle that needs repairs might be given to the Panther Valley School District for use by the school police officer to travel between schools. Chief of Police Todd Woodward said the borough could offer it for sale but might only get the junk price.

Attorney Robert Frycklund, the borough’s solicitor, suggested council table the matter for further discussion and to get an appraisal of the vehicle.

He said the borough must follow specific procedures under the borough code before such a transaction can occur.

• Councilman David Wargo said a meeting of borough councils in the county to discuss blight will be held in Jim Thorpe on May 2. He said it is urged that code enforcement officers from each town attend the meeting. The council agreed to have its code enforcement officer, Jason Bell, attend.

• Council agreed to have Rottet Motors of Tamaqua “upfit” its new Dodge Durango police vehicle at a quoted price of $11,297.01.

• Council granted a requested parking space to Michele Mida for Salon Forty-Three at 41-43 West Ludlow Street. Salon Forty-Three is a new business by Mida at that location.