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Palmerton board adding classroom in library space

Bids for renovations to Palmerton Area High School’s library are due back April 14 but it appears the picking will be slim when it comes to a general contractor.

During a March 28 mandatory pre-bid meeting for the project, which will subdivide the current library and add classroom space, only one general contractor showed up.

“What we’re being told is that there is so much Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief funding out there right now, that contractors are so busy that they don’t really want to mess around with the smaller jobs,” Joe Faenza, Palmerton facilities director, said. “The other thing you’re looking at is that most districts are confined to doing these kinds of projects in the summer so the competition is tough.”

The last round of ESSER funds must be allocated by September 2024 or districts face having to give money back.

During initial discussion on the library project last year, Palmerton Superintendent Dr. Jodi Frankelli said the district plans to use around $250,000 of ESSER funding to pay for the work.

“The library is a huge space, but it’s underutilized with regard to books on the shelves and tables and kids being in there,” Frankelli said at the time. “This would be a chance to add some classroom space without taking on a major construction project like adding a wing to a building or something like that.”

Bids will be opened at 3:15 p.m. on April 14, with Palmerton’s board set to take action at its April 18 meeting.

In addition to the general construction work, there will be asbestos abatement involved, Faenza said.

“We do have four abatement contractors interested so there will be a little more competition for that,” he added. “There is some asbestos in the tile under the carpet in the library.”

Work is anticipated to begin after school ends in June with a final completion date in early-to-mid-August.