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C-hill pays $269K for project along Bush Lane

Chestnuthill Township supervisors voted Tuesday to approve the release of a $269,716.80 payment to the contractor for the Bush Lane culvert replacements project after making sure the work was done.

An executive session was held on March 30 with respect to a real estate matter to transfer the Heritage Land parcel number 2.94119 to Chestnutill Township. The reason for the transferring the roughly 16-acre parcel from the owner is because it is mostly wetlands and it would ensure if the intersection on Route 209 ever needed to be widened, the front of the property could be used. The property is between the church and Ralph’s Appliances on Route 209.

The supervisors voted to approve the following:

• ACM’s proposal of $530 for the asbestos abatement for 1129 Parish Park Road, but that does not include removal of the asbestos.

• Request by Lisa Eick to have her security returned was approved in the amount of $30,846.75.

The next supervisors meeting is at 7 p.m. April 18.