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6 dogs abandoned in Carbon, 2 on the loose

Four of six Belgian Malinois/shepherd mix pups are being cared for after they were allegedly dumped along Penn Forest Trail in Jim Thorpe.

Carbon County Animal Shelter manager Tom Connors said the shelter received a call several days ago from the Bethlehem Water Authority on Penn Forest Trail.

“They were shepherd mixes, probably between 6 to 9 months old,” Connors said. “We were able to get four of them, they are back at the shelter now safe, and we have volunteers out searching for the other two.”

Connors added the pups “were a little under weight.

“But I don’t believe they were out there that long yet, so we get lucky in that respect,” he said. “They certainly seemed happy to see us.”

Connors said they have trail cameras out, people searching in groups, and on bicycles riding on the trails in an attempt to find the other two.

“Once we spot them, we’ll decide whether we’re going to use a humane trap, or other means to catch them,” he said, noting dumping dogs is illegal. “It would be nice that if somebody recognized the dogs and gave us that information.

Connors said he believes the pups are all around the same age and came from the same person.

“I think this was a case where somebody was breeding dogs, and they couldn’t sell these puppies quick enough and they decided to dump them (because) it was easier,” he said. “I’m hoping someone will recognize them and hopefully the proper authorities can prosecute, and we can start putting an end to this nonsense.”

Connors added, “This definitely puts a strain on our shelter.”

“Last week we had seven dogs, now we have 14,” he said. “It’s tough, but we make it work.”

Connors said the pups at the shelter are found of Pedigree and canned food treats, and that any donations to help the pups would be appreciated.

He said the pups will be scheduled for vet visits and will then be up for adoption.

A look at two of the Belgian Malinois/shepherd mix pups that being cared for after they were allegedly dumped along Penn Forest Trail in Jim Thorpe. Carbon County Animal Shelter manager Tom Connors said four of the six pups that were abandoned have been located, while two others remain on the loose. The search continues for the other two pups. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO