Lansford woman organizes Easter Egg Hunt for kids
More than 2,000 multi-colored Easter eggs sit in boxes in Jill Lower’s Lansford living room ahead of Saturday’s community egg hunt.
The mother and grandmother decided to put together an Easter Egg Hunt, complete with a visit from the Easter Bunny, when she learned that there wasn’t an event for the kids in the borough.
That was less than a month ago, which is not a lot of time, she said.
So, Lower posted her idea on social media.
And the community came through, she said Tuesday.
Lower found it was too late to get permission from the borough, and began looking for locations - even a home with a large porch or business, where the Easter Bunny could hand out candy.
The Lansford Townhouses stepped up, she said, agreeing to host the event and the manager even donated hot dogs for the children.
Others donated large bags of individually-wrapped candy, prizes or chocolate bunnies. Others donated kids’ drinks and others their time to help at the event, which starts at 1 p.m.
“I’ve had so much support,” Lower said. “It really amazes me how much support I’ve had from everybody. “
She also put in chunks of her own money to buy candy, prizes, and plastic eggs and started putting together a large prize basket filled with items, she said.
Lower plans to have Easter eggs with candy for the hunt, as well as candy bags for the children, she said.
Sign-up sheets were posted around town, and Lower kept a running list at her home as people messaged her with names and ages of the children attending to ensure there was enough candy for everyone, she said.
Today was the last day to sign up, she said. On Tuesday afternoon, her list had about 90 children, but she expected the number to reach about 120 when she collected the sign-up sheets.
“I was extremely happy and glad that the community came together for the kids,” Lower said.
People are already interested in helping and contributing to next year’s event, and the folks at the No. 9 Coal Mine and Museum want to get involved, she said.
“The people in this area really do come together when it counts,” she said. “We really do live in a good community.”