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Movie Night to debut in Franklin Twp.

A fun-filled family event is set to make its debut later this spring in Franklin Township.

Supervisors on Tuesday unanimously approved a request from the Franklin Township Advisory Recreation and Parks Board to hold a Movie Night at Phifer’s Ice Dam Park on May 21 at a time to be announced.

Board Chairman Fred Kemmerer said he believes Movie Night is a good idea.

“I think it’s good for the park and our community to grow,” Kemmerer said.

Also on Tuesday, supervisors agreed to buy a 2023 Ford Super Duty F-600 Chassis for $69,325 from Hondru Ford.

Additionally, the board agreed to purchase a stainless steel truck body for $52,143 from Lancaster Truck Bodies.

The payment will be split between the capital project road machinery and equipment fund and the state fund (liquid fuels account).