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Chestnuthill hires counselors

At Tuesday’s Chestnuthill supervisors meeting, township manager David Albright said they hired three camp counselors for this summer.

“I interviewed all three of the applicants and found all three of them deemed to be qualified and have experience working with children,” he said.

Albright said he wants to hire two more counselors. He suggested the hourly wage be $17 an hour and the supervisors agreed.

Supervisor Chuck Gould reported an executive session was held on March 7 on a legal matter and said an executive session will be held with respect to a real estate matter at 9 a.m. March 30.

There was a conversation on the renewal of the dog park maintenance agreement and since the current person did a great job all last summer, they would like to offer it to him again for this summer at $17 an hour. The supervisors agreed and a motion was made and approved.

There were no reports from the following: Parks, Historical Society; Emergency Services.