Published March 18. 2023 08:07AM
A kitchen fire in a home in New Philadelphia left at least five houses on Valley Street damaged Friday morning. More than a dozen fire departments from Schuylkill County were called to the three alarm fire, which was reported just after 11 a.m. As the fire spread, responders worked to knock down the blaze, but eventually all responders were told to evacuate the structure as the roof became unstable and was starting to collapse. In addition, problems with water pressure or non-working fire hydrants caused tankers to be called in. Power was out in much of the town and Route 209 was shut down to allow for emergency traffic. COPYRIGHT LARRY NEFF/SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS
A reported kitchen fire in a home in New Philadelphia left at least five houses damaged Friday morning. Over a dozen fire departments from Schuylkill County were called to the three alarm fire, which was reported just after 11 a.m. As the fire spread, responders worked to knock down the blaze, but eventually all responders were told to evacuate the structure as the roof became unstable and was starting to collapse. In addition, problems with water pressure or non-working fire hydrants caused tankers to be called in. Power was out in much of the town and the Route 209 was shut down to allow for emergency traffic. COPYRIGHT LARRY NEFF/SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS