Gun violence needs to stop
Living in the Wild Wild West.
Those words are part of the lyrics to the song “Wild, Wild West” released in 1988 by The Escape Club.
These days, it feels as if we live in fear for our well-being, never quite sure when the next tragedy will unfold.
One of the main culprits is an issue that has spiraled out of control and can be summed up in two words: Gun violence.
This isn’t the first column that I’ve devoted to the topic, nor is it likely to be my last.
I’ve always ascribed to the belief that firearms, when used in a criminal and negligent manner, are the absolute single biggest danger to our society.
Based on the nonsensical shootings that continue to transpire at an ever-increasingly high rate, I believe my stance is justified.
Just last month, a TV reporter, along with a 9-year-old girl were fatally shot in Florida near the scene of a fatal shooting from earlier in the day.
Besides the Spectrum News 13 journalist and the 9-year-old girl, a TV crew member and the girl’s mother were wounded during the second shooting.
As a reporter, I picture myself on the grounds of a crime scene to report on the news, just as that poor TV reporter did.
So, does that mean that in my capacity as a reporter, I deserve to get popped on the spot for merely doing my job?
The problem is that one can never know what may cause a person with a gun in their possession to snap.
This column is in no way geared toward responsible gun owners, as I personally know many who own and carry them along their travels.
Unfortunately, all it takes is a few bad apples to ruin things for others.
As we’re all aware, gun violence isn’t a problem that has just recently begun to manifest itself.
Rather, it has only gotten worse, and shows no signs of improvement any time soon.
Which begs the question, how many lives have to be lost until something is done?
When it comes to any other issue that’s deemed a problem in our society, steps are taken to remedy the situation.
Simply put, this type of behavior is inhumane, shameful, and needs to stop.
Above all else, it should not, must not, and cannot be accepted as the new norm.
It’s time for the higher-ups to wake up and realize the real travesty that exists right before our very own eyes.
The alternative is to stand pat and watch in grim horror as tragedies caused by gun violence continue to escalate at the staggering rate they’ve been.
Though moving and admirable, watching televised news conferences in which the victims are mourned on a national platform is quite frankly getting old.
Because no matter how heartfelt and sincere, they do absolutely nothing to bring back the victims whose lives were unjustly taken from them.
All with the simple pull of the trigger.