West End news: March 9, 2023
Double event
It is bingo tonight, open to the public, at the American Legion in Gilbert, with doors opening at 6:30 p.m. At 7 p.m., also at the Legion, but in a separate location, it is time for the Operation: Touch of Home meeting.
Effort Women
The Effort UMC’s Women’s Group will meet at 7 p.m. Monday. They will be working a donation basket for the Outreach Auction.
Attendees are asked to bring kitchen/baking items for the basket.
In addition to the scheduled program, Karen Brangan will be the group’s guest. She will be training attendees on the 90 Second CPR Push Hard and Push Fast in recognition of Heart Health through the American Heart Association. There is no cost for this training.
Hostesses are Michelle Wichman and Kathy Cleveland. The former will also be providing the devotions for the evening.
Diversity meeting
The Diversity group at Pleasant Valley School District Is slated to meet at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday.
Jam sessions
St. Peter’s UMC hosts jam sessions every second and fourth Tuesday of the month.
All who love music are welcome for coffee and a time of fellowship.
Stitches made
Zion Lutheran’s Knit & Crochet group, Brodheadsville, will continue its charitable work as members gather at 1 p.m. Tuesday.
New members are always welcome.
Touch of Home
Tuesday is the monthly meeting of Operation: Touch of Home at 7 p.m. at the American Legion Post 927 in Gilbert.
Volleyball need
Our Lady Queen of Peace Church is calling folks to join its summer volleyball team.
The church is one of several churches fielding a team to play with each other area churches one evening a week, usually a Wednesday or Thursday night, from May through August in the Effort area.
This is an adult league, so players need to be 17 by the end of the year or older.
Anyone who would like to join is asked to contact Mike Hurley as 570-269- 0764.
The deadline to sign up is March 20.
PVEN needs
The Pleasant Valley Ecumenical Network has needs for both its Food Pantry as well as its Clothing Closet.
The Food Pantry requests donations of cereal, tuna, juice and spices.
The Clothing Closet is seeking donations of shampoo and conditioner, body wash and lotion, towels, sheets, blankets, paper products and cleaning supplies.
Art exhibit
Monroe County Conservation District’s Kettle Creek Environmental Education Center has announced The Green Planet Hypothesis Art Exhibit and reception.
It features Darryl Speicher and students from Evergreen Community Charter School during the month of March. There will be a reception for Darryl and the students who are participating from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., March 18. There is no charge for this event.
For more information or to register, call the Kettle Creek Environmental Education Center at 570-629-3061.
Bingo scheduled
St. Matthew’s UCC’s Christians in Action is holding a Cash & Gift Card Bingo on March 19 at the church in Kunkletown. Doors open at noon. Bingo begins at 1 p.m.
Food and drinks will be available for sale.
Proceeds support St. Matthew’s Christians in Action Outreach programs.
Hoagie sale set
Effort UMC’s Youth Mission fundraiser is underway through April 7. Offered are 3 types: Italian & cheese, turkey & cheese and ham & cheese.
The pickup date is April 21.
For more information call the church at 570-629-1890.
Counselor jobs
Chestnuthill Township is accepting applications for summer camp counselor positions
For details contact Doris Goody at: dgoody@chestnuthilltwp-pa.gov or call the township at 570-992-7247.
Volleyball League
The Church Volley League in the West End is now forming teams for the upcoming season and is seeking players. For more information contact Paul at pdaz@ptd.net.
AA classes
McMichaels UMC reminds folks that the church hosts AA classes every Wednesday at noon and every Saturday evening at 6:30 p.m. There is no charge for said classes.
Community supper
Our Lady Queen of Peace Church is hosting a Community Sunday Supper at 3 p.m. on March 12.
WPCL story time
The Western Pocono Community Library offers Story Time every Tuesday at 10:30 a.m. and on Wednesday at 1 p. m.
For adults there is adult coloring and puzzles every Wednesday at 1 p.m.
Drive-through supper
Zion Lutheran Church, Brodheadsville, is offering a free, drive-through, community supper from 5 to 6 p.m. next Wednesday.
West End sister churches’ members can help, pack, serve and clean up at that supper.
Some items needed are brown lunch bags, desserts, and sandwich bags.
Chestnuthill Historical
The first Chestnuthill Historical Society meeting for 2023 will be held at 6 p.m. at the township’s Park Building, next Wednesday.
Eldred Supers
The Eldred Township Board of Supervisors will meet next Wednesday. Check the website or call 610-381-4252 to verify the meeting.
Lasagna dinner
Effort UMC will be taking preorders for a fundraising lasagna dinner, which will be takeout only and is slated to be held from 3 to 6 p.m. March 18.
The meal includes lasagna, salad, garlic bread and a dessert.
Folks ordering should indicate whether the meal should be hot or cold at pickup time. All meals will be cooked.
For more information contact the church office at 570-629-1890.
St. Patty’s dinner
A St. Patrick’s dinner is scheduled for March 18 at Our Lady Queen of Peace Church in Brodheadsville by advance tickets only. There will be no door sales.
Tickets will be sold after Masses this weekend Saturday and Sunday or one can get tickets at the church office.
The event will offer an Irish raffle, music, dancing, bag pipes and fun.
Seeking volunteers
Monroe County Habitat for Humanity is seeking volunteers. Anyone interested can contact Habitat and sign up for the required 1-hour Volunteer Onboarding training.
For more information contact Monroe Habitat marketing@habitatmc.com.
Eviction mediation
Pocono Mountains United Way has various programs to help folks. One of them is the Eviction Mediation program.
For more information call 570-261-8023 or visit Mediation@PoconoUnitedWay.org
EEC Day camp
Monroe County Conservation District Has announced its summer day camp, Get in Touch with Nature, for children ages 7 to 10, and Adventure Camp, for children ages 11 to 13. For dates, costs and other information call the MCCD at 570-629-3061 or visit www.mcconservation.org.
Contact Adele Argot at 717-933-4028 or arargot3@verizon.net or the Times News at 800-443-0377 or tneditor@tnonline.com.