Weissport deals with cost of fallen tree
Weissport Councilman Joe Foster said a large tree branch fell across one of the borough streets last Saturday night.
Foster said the tree was owned by a private homeowner, but the borough had to clean it up, and asked if the homeowner should be billed.
“I believe a claim should be made to their homeowners insurance policy,” Borough Solicitor Greg Mousseau said. “They should be made responsible for maintaining their own trees.”
In other business, a motion was made to give Borough Streets Supervisor Joseph Foster a $200/month limit to be able to purchase items like gasoline or small parts, things needed for his work with the borough. Anything over $200 would need council approval.
The council voted to have Hanover Engineering, the borough’s engineer, provide a study of the feasibility of eliminating parking along both sides of Railroad Street from Bridge Street to Prospect Street. Trucks from one of the businesses in that area have a difficult time getting through when cars are parked along Railroad Street. With that report, a change can then be made to the borough’s Parking Ordinance.
• Hanover Engineering will look into installing more signs that indicate Allen Street is a one-way street from Prospect Street to Bridge Street. Cars have been turning from Bridge onto Allen, going the wrong way.
• Foster said he is looking to do some renovation work on the tennis court at the borough’s playground, and repairs at the park.
“We’ve had some vandalism at the park,” Foster said, “with the basketball courts, benches are being broken, and trash cans being broken.”
Council President Tom Ketchledge recommended Foster look at costs for wood or metal trash cans to replace the broken ones. Foster said some benches in the borough garage could be used.
Weissport Constable James Osborne reported he issued six Quality-of-Life citations (vehicles parked with expired inspections). A warning was issued on an inoperable vehicle parked at the borough park for several weeks. The owner was given 10 days to move the vehicle. Osborne will continue making rounds for ordinance violations.
• Council voted to have Foster get an estimate on the cost of running additional fencing along the back of the borough property where the new borough garages were built.
• Council will look into purchasing a scanner to begin digitizing the paperwork stored at the borough hall. Secretary Aimee Shank is looking to clean up some of the paperwork stored in the building.
• Council voted to increase the price of leasing the Borough Park. An increase is needed to help pay for the cost of electric and water being used at the park, along with trash removal. The cost will be $250 for one day, and $100 for each additional day. The group leasing the park would get $100 total returned to them (regardless how many days the park is leased) if they clean up the park after their event.