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Letter to the Editor: Questions that need to be answered

Questions that should be answered:

Why don’t people understand that those who are voted in work for the people?

Why don’t they understand, it’s not what they want, it’s what the people want to improve this country?

Why don’t bills that are voted on stand alone?

Why do bills have to be bundled?

Today TV news said the PA Turnpike will raise it tolls until 2050. Why? How come if you get stuck on it you could wait for hours?

Why don’t radio-TV and newspapers just tell the news instead of tilting it to the way they think?

If these political parties wanted to help this country why don’t they get along and do it?

Why do we send money and aid to other countries, and ask for donations to feed our kids?

Why are radio-TV-newspapers and politicians only interested in the dollar not the people?

Why is there so much hate in this world?

I’m writing this knowing it won’t show up in any newspaper.

I remain,

Robert (Ski) Siesptowski

Summit Hill