Published February 23. 2023 01:45PM
by Terry Ahner
Franklin Township supervisors have signed off on a demolition project to make room for a new administration and police building.
Supervisors on Tuesday agreed to sign the demolition contract to have AR Popple Tkg & Exc LLC, Wilkes-Barre, demolish the Hobby Shop building at 903 Fairyland Road.
In January, supervisors hired the company to demolish the Hobby Shop building per Carbon Engineering’s recommendation per PennBid results in the amount of $27,500.
Demolition of the building will make room for a new administration and police building.
They have to start within 90 days of awarding the bid.
In October, supervisors accepted the feasibility report for the former Carpenter’s Hobby Shop at 903 Fairyland Road, and to have Carbon Engineering complete a demo contract to demolish the building.
The township wants to build a building that would have enough room to accommodate eight police officers, administration, zoning officer, zoning hearing board and/or supervisors for when they have to go into executive session.
The plan is to knock down the former hobby shop building, and possibly the current administration office. The current township building is only 2,800 square feet.
In turn, the township would construct a new 7,200-square-foot building in between the former Hobby Shop site and current administration office.
The township started a building fund nearly 30 years ago with plans to build a new township building, and supervisors believe it has come to the point where the township needs to expand for the police department and its administration office meeting room.