Monroe County Commissioners
The Monroe County commissioners approved the following items last week:
• Monroe County Area Agency on Aging - ratified an Assessment Services Agreement with Aging Well PA LLC for rate of $249.22 per new assessment.
• Electronic transactions - Vouchers: $1,044,056.83 for the week ending Jan. 20, and $1,176,594.17 for the week ending Jan. 27; gross payroll: $1,301,700.27 for the period ending Jan. 15; health care benefits payments: Highmark Blue Cross/Blue Shield: $64,532.10 on Jan. 17, and $67,126.28 on Jan. 24; Geisinger: $54,894.03 on Jan. 17, and $89,905.98 on Jan. 24; dental claims of $9,048.07, and; Connect Your Care for $3,932.90.
• Overtime for deputies, security and clerks in the Sheriff’s Office for the period ending on Jan. 15: 62.25 hours for the deputies, 30.75 hours for security, and 2.5 hours for the clerks.
• Accepted a $100,000 Local Assistance and Tribal Consistency Fund Grant from the U.S. Department of Treasury for the 2022-2023 fiscal year.
• Submitting to the state Department of Transportation of the 2022 County Liquid Fuels Reports: County Liquid Fuels - fund balance of $108,698.57 and expenditures of $220,654.29; Act 44 Liquid Fuels - fund balance of $108,255.93 and no expenditures; Act 89 Liquid Fuels - fund balance of $251,182.41 and no expenditures.
• Agreements with Teleosoft Inc. for new software for the Sheriff’s Office: $276,264.00 plus $44,830 for annual maintenance and $75,468 hosting agreement.
• A range rental contract and billing agreement with Blue Ridge Rod and Gun Club for the Sheriff’s Office for $1,000 for up to 15 days use between Jan. 1 and Dec. 31.
• Quotes from American Computing Services for security camera installation: Magisterial District Justice Colleen Mancuso and Magisterial District Justice Paul Gasper of $2,039 each; and from R.W. Masten for $14,610 to install security improvements at Mancuso’s office.
• Quotes for the Ramsey School Project: ODIN Technologies - security cameras and associated software, $9,541.71; Simplex Solutions - signs, $1,732; Ruiz Lock and Key, Pocono Locksmith - interior and exterior door re-keying, $6,825.75.
- Kristine Porter