PennDOT seeks online survey input
The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation is seeking public input on traffic safety and driving behaviors through its online survey found at
“In 2021, 1,230 people died on Pennsylvania roadways. Many of these deaths could have been prevented simply by buckling up, slowing down, paying attention, and driving sober,” said PennDOT Acting Secretary Mike Carroll.
“The results from this survey help us better understand the public’s attitude on highway safety, and potentially allow us to adjust our efforts to reduce crashes and fatalities.”
The survey is available on PennDOT’s through Feb. 28 and should take about five minutes to complete.
PennDOT partners with educational and enforcement grantees to deliver programming each year to help prevent crashes, fatalities, and injuries on roadways.
This survey seeks information on motorists’ behavior behind the wheel to help inform program planning.
The survey covers several topics including seat belt use, impaired driving, speeding, distracted driving, and bicycle, pedestrian and motorcycle safety.
The survey was first implemented in 2010 as a requirement for federal funding. Though no longer required, the survey helps PennDOT understand participants’ attitudes on highway safety.
PennDOT focuses on data trends to drive enforcement and education improvements and invests more than $25 million annually in federal grant funds statewide to support safety programs.
For more information on PennDOT’s highway safety efforts visit,
For more information on traffic crashes, fatalities, and injuries, visit the Pennsylvania Crash Information Tool.
For more information on PennDOT’s plan to reduce fatalities and serious injuries on our roadways, read the Pennsylvania Strategic Highway Safety Plan.