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17 students inducted into Marian Catholic’s NHS chapter

Seventeen students at Marian Catholic High School were inducted into the Robert F. Kennedy Chapter of the National Honor Society during a Mass and ceremony held in the John P. “Jack” Malarkey Gymnasium of the school.

Senior Eliza Bauder and Juniors Brady Bobrowski, Gianna Corrado, Morgan Kelly, Abigail Kluck, Sophia Lombardo, Anna Lombardo, Frankie Martinelli, Mason Mattrazzo, Julia Meiss, Madison Miller, Carly Minchhoff, Jakob Mummey, Alex Porambo, Megan Reaman, Lachlan Segedy and Mikayla Tom were officially welcomed by Ashley Pleban, President of the chapter, who told them, “National Honor Society membership is not only an honor, but also a serious commitment. It is a privilege, not a right. Membership is not only a recognition of accomplishments, but of a call to serve. A call to use our God given talents in service wherever we are, and wherever we go.”

According to Dr. Kimberly Fetter, faculty adviser of the society, the induction continues the tradition celebrating scholarship, character, service and leadership established since Marian Catholic received its NHS charter in January 1974.

“As we recognize our 49th anniversary as a chapter, we are grateful for our God-given gifts and talents,” Fetter said. “In gratitude, we embrace our duty to share these God-given gifts in our communities. Specifically, our current members offer tutoring as a primary service to the Marian Catholic School community as a foundation for a lifetime of community service.”

In addition to Pleban, chapter officers welcomed the new inductees, including Vice President Megan Paisley, Secretary Kerrigan Digris, and Treasurer Alexis Fellin. Other members of the society are Rebecca Boyle, Alexander Cornmesser, Emily Eroh, Jenna Goff, Jaclyn Guth, Trinity Hoover, Addison Pan, Angela Pan, Taylor Ryba, Fatikha Tikhtova and Frank Valente. Pleban said the society’s service project theme this school year is “Local Poverty Relief,” focusing on supporting those in the community who may be less fortunate.”

Participating in Marian Catholic's National Honor Society induction ceremony are, front, from left: Morgan Kelly, Abigail Kluck, Julia Meiss, Megan Reaman, Mikayla Tom, Gianna Corrado and Eliza Bauder. Middle, from left: Frankie Martinelli, Carly Minchoff, Madison Miller, Brady Bobrowski, Lachlan Segedy, Alex Porambo, Mason Mattrazzo and Jakob Mummey. Back: the officers, Kerrigan Digris, Ashley Pleban, Megan Paisley, Alexis Fellin. In front are Rev. Bob George, left, school chaplain, and the Rev. Robert Finlan.