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Carbon Recorder seeks re-election

Carbon County Recorder of Deeds Donna Gentile has announced she is seeking a second term of office in the 2023 election.

Gentile, a Republican, is a lifelong Carbon County resident who took office in 2020.

Gentile, since day one, has had a hands-on approach to the position, working side-by-side with her staff, recording, indexing, verifying and scanning, along with the financial and administrative duties.

Over the past several years, Gentile has implemented some much-needed technology upgrades to the office, including the introduction of E-Recording. She is also in the process of digitizing old deed books and microfiche files, and converting the permanent archive files to the new state-approved PDF/A format.

More recently, Gentile implemented a new veterans program. She and her staff have been serving the veterans by attending senior expos and veterans fairs, recording veterans’ DD214s (military discharge papers).

Gentile humbly asks for your vote and looks forward to the completion of these and future projects as she continues to serve the constituents of Carbon County in her elected position.

Donna Gentile