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Walnutport Council makes annual appointments

Walnutport Borough Council made the following annual appointments on Thursday:

• The SSM Group, engineer

• Corriere & Andres, LLC, solicitor

• Scott Lego, code enforcement officer

• Michael Wentz, grant coordinator. Councilwoman Jennifer Wentz abstained from the vote.

• Sean Corey, zoning and building code officer

• Confirmed fire police for the Diamond Fire Company and the borough for the year 2023.

• Authorized Diamond Fire Company to engage in fundraising activities, participate in mutual aid with any local municipalities/fire company, and authorizing the fire police to serve during nonemergency functions during 2023.

• Kevin Rex and Wayne Weidner, planning commission

• Matthew Newhard, Tony Rosencrance, and David Wentling, zoning hearing board

• Anderson & Assoc., Inc. to manage police and borough pension plan

• HA Thomson to manage borough insurance policies

• Joseph Rudolf, from Clark Hill, Labor Council

• Ronald Kuntz, Rica Cook and Greg Williams, Walnutport Authority, two-year terms.

- Terry Ahner